
UPI Payment Link: Payment Link with the Magic of UPI.

While paying through UPI, you have to enter some details. Like the UPI ID, the bank account number, or the mobile number of the person whom you want to pay. If you are a businessman, you have to share these details with your customers to accept payments. What if you don’t have to do it […]


Collect Online Payment Without a Website The Easy Way

The pandemic has changed the lifestyle of the people. Watching movies, grocery shopping, and meeting friends: Everything was online. And this trend hasn’t changed much. As everything was online, you can’t expect people to pay you in cash. So, you must have a payment method to collect online payments. The big companies can do it […]


Freelancer Payment – Ways You Should Know to Improve Cash Flow.

Money is an important part of doing any business and the reason we all work for, but money is also where many freelancers run into trouble. There are many payment modes a freelancer can use to accept payment from clients and manage the cash flow seamlessly. Here are the top 10 ways for freelancers to […]

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